
  1. k.d. performed at the opening of the Musical Instrument Museum this weekend in Phoenix, AZ. Click here for a review.

  2. Apr21.2010

    Logie Awards

    k.d. will perform on Australia's Logie Awards, broadcast on the Nine Network on Sunday, May 2nd. Click here for more info.

  3. Recently, k.d. spoke to Alan Jackson of The Times of London on "What [She's] Learnt." Read on below, or click here to read the full article.

    Music is always in my head and I sing whenever and wherever, sporadically and spontaneously, but most especially when trail-walking and for my dogs.

    Los Angeles is not only convenient for business but it affords you this really private, quiet life [lang is now based there]. There are just so many celebrities here that, frankly, nobody gives a s***.

    I don’t pay conscious attention to fashion, but I do appreciate good tailoring. I’ve had a lot of luck with Giorgio Armani. There’s something about the way he makes clothes that suits me. I’m a really big fan.

    When it comes to compliments, it’s all in the tone of the delivery. I’m either very susceptible to flattery or extraordinarily cynical, depending on my mood.

    There’s nothing more attractive in another person than confidence – an earthy, real confidence, not the cocky, fake kind. Contentment is always very compelling to me too. Oh, and a curiosity about others. Have all of those things and you’re beautiful.

    Mom recently sold the family home and moved, which was a big thing for us because it had been at the centre of things for 50 years or so. I thought it might have more impact on me than it has done, which proves only that she’s the hub, not some house.

    My mom insisted I wear a full-length gown to my high-school graduation, so I designed one myself and had her sew it. It was kind of monastic with a Nehru collar and if anything, looked Middle Eastern. I accessorised it with hiking boots.

    Advice is ridiculous. Who listens? And the person giving it… what do they know? Beyond saying, “Don’t get hit by lightning,” or, “Don’t stand in the middle of the freeway with your eyes closed,” it’s useless. The only way to learn is by experience.

    Motorbiking is brilliant. It’s like riding an ordinary bike but without the annoying pedalling part. The sense of freedom, the whole Steve McQueen romance of it, is beautiful.

    Friendships with elders aren’t valued enough. Tony Bennett has taught me so much. To be around him and have an insight into an era of music that’s close to being over is an immeasurably enriching experience. He’s from a time when stars were elegant and has this old-fashioned generosity and grace. What an elder to have as a friend.

    I have to be very disciplined in order to preserve my voice, but when I’m old I’m going to drink and smoke a lot of pot. Perhaps I’ll eat meat. I may even sleep with a man. When my working years are over I’d like to go a little crazy.

    There’s not much chance of me starting the day in a down mood. One of my dogs, a lab-German shepherd cross called Taylor, wakes me by jumping on me and she’s always happy, always makes me laugh. It gets me out of any slump I might be in.

    I love the domestic life. When I’m on the road, I clean my hotel room. And when I fly, I have to clean up the airplane bathroom. I’ve developed a whole system of not getting my hands directly in contact with anything while doing a thorough job.

    Money’s a good and helpful thing but shouldn’t be revered. I like having it and I have enough but I don’t have too much, which is just fine. In fact, it’s perfect.

  4. Mar23.2010

    Leno Performance

    In case you missed k.d. on Leno last night, video is here. k.d. comes on at the 38:20 mark.